schu's notes on duckdb

Atom feed for duckdb

duckdb DuckDB: migrate data with multi-database support - 2024-03-24

DuckDB's multi-database-support can be a convenient way to transform and move data between databases. …

duckdb DuckDB: `lag` preceding day - 2024-03-23

The lag window function allows to evaluate an expression at offset rows before the current row. For time series data, sometimes it is desired to only get previous values in a certain time window. In the example below, only the entry of the preceding day should be considered - if it exists. …

duckdb DuckDB: aggregate multiple rows into a single JSON object - 2024-02-29

The other day I was looking for a way to transform a table with multiple rows per user to a single row per user layout. The source table had a structure similar to the following example: …